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小编: 樱花涵





Today, the teacher walked front of the podium, said firmly: "Tomorrow on the holiday, I hope everyone had a happy holiday, good, now we pick up a good thing to go!"

     I ran out fast in along the way, I thought to myself: Back home, what things? Paint? Dance? To find friends to play? To eat delicious things? Television? ... ... However, I do not think homework in my ain are all playing, eating these things.

     Back home, I hastened to pick up the phone, call my friend Han telephone: "Han ah, I was dutifully ah, you are now to my home, Wan Ba!" Han replied: "Well, Well. "I play with her for a whole day to the 1:30 she go bed I would sleep in the morning, I sleep in bed until 11:30.

     Get up, I picked up the pen and began painting is. A total of painting to 2:00. Next, I opened my food cabinets, which are: prawn, natural crisps, Dove chocolate, lollipops, jelly ... ... I took a packet of crisps and 10 of natural jelly to come to front of the TV , turn on the TV: "Ah, my favorite animated film," Legend of Nezha "." I saw the 5:30 has been 2:00. "Mom, I am going to fish fragrant eggplant Dragon." "Yes, I know." Then, we ate a meal be properly on the home.

     Today morning, I looked at the date: "ah, it has been 15 days, and I should write a little work." I took out my work, picked up the pen, to write up, only 2 minutes to write, I have trouble , and said to himself: "ah ah, a job I saw a headache, there is half the time anyway, after write too late."

     Since then, I do not do their homework, and playing every day until the last day.

     "Ah, not think so! Is March 5. I have not written a single word operations it!" I started running around in circles up and left to write about, right to write about, and ultimately did not finish, they fell asleep.

     School of that day, I came to school, the teacher a harsh verbally. On the way home, I thought to myself: the future is no longer the case. I am crestfallens home.






陈尧咨擅长射箭,当时世上没有人能和他相比,他也凭着这一点自夸。一次,他曾在自家的园圃里射箭,有个卖油的老翁放下挑着的担子,站在一旁,不在意地斜着眼看他,久久地不离去。老翁见到陈尧咨射出的箭十支能中八九支,只不过微微地点点头赞许这情况。  康肃公问道:“你也会射箭吗?我射箭的本领不也很精湛吗?”老翁说:“没有什么别的奥秘,只不过是手熟罢了。”康肃公听后愤愤地说:“你怎么敢轻视我射箭的武艺!”老翁说:“凭着我倒油的经验就可懂得这个道理。”于是老翁取过一个葫芦立放在地上,用铜钱盖在它的口上,慢慢地用杓子把油倒进葫芦,油从铜钱的孔中注进去,却不沾湿铜钱。老人说:“我这点手艺也没有什么别的奥秘,只是手熟罢了。”陈尧咨见此,只好笑着将老翁打发走了。


Dear Mr. / MS, business elite, celebrities, fashion, media, artists from all walks of life:

To spend a happy and auspicious Spring Festival, to build a mutual understanding, promoting career development, learn from each other, full participation, mutual benefit and win-win self display, reflect the value, enhance mutual feelings. To this end, Ma mall "Xianyang shopping network" held a grand "Spring Festival Gala" Shaanxi business. Through the activities of the friendship platform, to further strengthen the Baotuan heating concept, deepen cooperation thinking, and promote the healthy development of the cause, expand enterprise visibility.

Invite you to participate in the "2019 XX business Spring Festival Gala" activities!









Water is very important. It is the source of life. Everything in the world can’t live without water. The proportion of water and a person’s weight is about 70%. People can live without eating food for three days, but they will be very close to death if they don’t drink water for three days. The same goes for other creature. What’s worse, without water, everything will be stop. We can’t have power, and the world will be in the darkness. The parts of cell phone can’t be made. Then we have no way to connect with others. In a word, water is pretty significant. We need to protect it and save it.





If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong.

Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise. For this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym.

Exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is played by team.






日出东南隅,照我秦氏楼。秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。罗敷善蚕桑,采桑城南隅。青丝为笼系,桂枝为笼钩。头上倭堕髻,耳中明月珠;缃绮为下裙,紫绮为上襦。行者见罗敷,下担捋髭须。少年见罗敷,脱帽著帩头。耕者忘其犁,锄者忘其锄;来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷。  使君从南来,五马立踟蹰。使君遣吏往,问是谁家姝。“秦氏有好女,自名为罗敷。”“罗敷年几何?”“二十尚不足,十五颇有余。”使君谢罗敷,“宁可共载不?”  罗敷前致词:“使君一何愚!使君自有妇,罗敷自有夫。东方千余骑,夫婿居上头。何用识夫婿?白马从骊驹,青丝系马尾,黄金络马头;腰中鹿卢剑,可值千万余,十五府小吏,二十朝大夫,三十侍中郎,四十专城居。为人洁白皙,鬑鬑颇有须;盈盈公府步,冉冉府中趋。坐中数千人,皆言夫婿殊。

太阳从东方升起,照到我们秦家的楼房。秦家有位美丽的少女,本来取名叫罗敷。罗敷很会养蚕采桑,(有一天在)城南边侧采桑。用青丝做篮子上的络绳,用桂树枝做篮子上的提柄。头上梳着倭堕髻,耳朵上戴着宝珠做的耳环;浅黄色有花纹的丝绸做成下裙,紫色的绫子做成上身短袄。走路的人看见罗敷,放下担子捋着胡子(注视她)。年轻人看见罗敷,脱掉帽子整理仪容。耕地的人忘记了自己在犁地,锄地的人忘记了自己在锄地;回来后互相埋怨生气,只因为观看罗敷。  太守乘车从南边来了,拉车的五匹马停下来徘徊不前。太守派遣小吏过去,问这是谁家的美女。小吏回答:“是秦家的美女,本名叫罗敷。”太守又问:“罗敷年龄多大了?”小吏回答:“二十岁还不足,十五岁略微有多。”太守令小吏问罗敷,“愿意一起坐车吗?”  罗敷上前回话:“太守你多么愚蠢!太守你本来有妻子,罗敷我本来有丈夫。(丈夫当官)在东方,随从人马一千多,他排列在最前头。凭什么识别我丈夫?骑白马后面跟随小黑马的那个大官就是,用青丝拴着马尾,那马头上戴着金黄色的笼头;腰中佩着鹿卢剑,宝剑可以值上千上万钱,十五岁在太守府做小吏,二十岁在朝廷里做大夫,三十做皇上的侍中郎,四十岁成为一城之主。他长得皮肤洁白,疏朗朗略微长一点胡须;他轻缓地在府中迈方步,从容地出入官府。(太守座中聚会时)在座的有几千人,都说我丈夫与众不同。”