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My misery

小编: 李启虎

As a good studnt,I hav a good prformanc,which is also my misry。

Th first:It is th crucial point to ntr th snior high school。I know it clarly,so I do not mind I hav no tim to play。But my Mom and my Dadarrang a lot of xrcis to m vryday,vn if thr is also ngligibl。I can undrstand thir hop,but I am not a tool,I nd tst。

Th scond:In th y of tachr’s,good rsult is vry important。You should kp your good rsults,but also you must hav goodprformanc at th sam tim。If you mak a bit rror vnt,your goodprformanc will b gon。

Th third:“That h is good to b th point of rsults!”“Look!Th kid is abusing his powr!”Ths words which I hard frquntly。I just want to ask:good prformanc is sin,dar classmats?W ar fair to fight for ourslvs,you just do not do。why do you curs?Why?

Who can hlp m to stay fr my misry?