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小编: 北海有鱼


  My Spring Festival plan

  I&rsqu; ging t Shenzhen t see grandther and uncle&rsqu;s fail. I&rsqu; ging t pla with brther. And then I&rsqu; ging there t get luc ne. I&rsqu; ging t the cinea t see the fil 《Superan》with fail. And I&rsqu; ging t learn English with uncle&rsqu;s wife. I&rsqu; ging t have fun there.

  I thin this will be the best Spring Festival.




  然后,妈妈给我做了一张张英语卡片,叫我抄下来,在英语本上写一行,默写在草稿纸上,写不起再写一行,直到会写了为止。默写完了,妈妈叫我读一遍,顿时,我感到容易多了。第二天,第三天 ……第七天,没天早晨起来我读了三遍,我终于背下来了。



  I have a sister. Her name is Hu Dan. She is twenty years. She is a high school student.

  She has a round face, two big .bright eyes and a small nose.Her hair is long. Her favourite colour is blue. Her favourite sport istennis. In spring, she often plays tennis with me.

  She is good at drawing. Her drawings are very nice. I like watching her draw pictures.

  She is kind and friendly. She is always ready to help others.so she has many good friends.

  This is my sister. I like her very much.