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小编: 孤街浪人


  A farmer has five sons.They are Ted,Bob,Tom,John and Bill. John has no elder brother. He was four years older when his first younger brother was born.

  The number of Tom's elder brothers is equal to his younger brothers. Bill will be twenty-one years old next year, and he is five years older than Bob. Bob is two years younger than Tom.

  Ted was sad because he has no younger brother. There are twelve years between him and John.


  My name is ×××.I have a good friend .Her name is Liu Yun.She lives in China .Her mather is a singer.She likes swimming.Her father is a TV reporter.He likes listening to mnsic.Liu Yun likes piaying the violin and riding her bike.Every morning ,she goes to school on foot.Every evening,she reads newspaper ai home.then she goes to bed at nine.This is my good friend Liu Yun.




  我的姓张,同学们都叫它“Miss zhang”。她高高的个子,白白的皮肤,四方脸,一双炯炯有神的'眼睛里蕴藏着智慧和自信。她性格开朗,幽默风趣,寓教于乐,每次上课都会把我们逗得哈哈大笑。

  有一次,张老师教了我们“Come in ,please!”这个句子之后,说:“我来看你们到底听懂了没有。”说着,来到一位同学身旁,说:“叮咚,叮咚。”可是那位同学没有明白老师的意图,坐在那里一动不动,张老师风趣地说:“这位同学不在家,我先走了。”同学们都笑了起来。

  张老师又来到另一位同学身旁,说:“叮咚,叮咚。”这位同学连忙站起来,说:“Come in ,please!”张老师“进来”了,这位同学接着说:“Sit down,please!”张老师坐了下来,接下来该怎么做,这位同学显得有点不知所措,张老师幽默地说:“好吃的和好喝的怎么还没拿来?哎,算了,我还是走吧!”教室里又是一阵哄堂大笑……
