国际舞台上,风起云涌,我被呼来唤去,一切以国家利益为根本,前一刻的形象可以瞬间颠覆,这,就是政治。我是可笑的,我是多变的 代名 词,但若不是被操控者选择,我又怎会如此“丰富多彩”?
生活中,跌跌宕宕,人们形色匆匆,同一层楼,相处多年可能依旧陌路,职位上下,我每天无时不在变幻着色彩,有时以一种和善的虚伪 一带 而过,有时需要柔而有时又需要刚甚至更多,但有多少,是真实的呢?
我最喜爱的生活状态是本色,是自然,就像京剧里的脸谱,黑色代表勇敢,红色乃是忠诚,而白色显示奸诈。然而现实生活是复杂的、多 变的 ,又怎能用如此简单的色彩去衡量呢?
有的人用我来演绎小丑。生活是多彩的,但小丑,至少也能为他人带来欢乐,即使他的离去只是轻描淡写的一笔;有的人用我来作现实的 妥协 ,他们在面具之外,保留了真实的自我。他们用我把握进退的尺度与方向,得以润滑剂的身份,把摩擦减到最小。我最怕的,是有的人,再也 不愿 取下面具,辨不清哪个是真实的自我,那个是面具了。他们的人生,就注定了是失去自我的悲哀。
因为我,世界有了许许多多的面孔,正如世界的多彩。比如扇子可以纳凉,也可以传达心语,少男少女的情愫就在那一起一落之间,秋波 暗送 ;而有时我却会蒙蔽心意。我,是偌大世界的一面镜,照着大千世界、芸芸众生。
我希望我可以一点点淡化,可以渐渐地退出人们的生活,可以安静的蜷在角落,只在必要的时候做暂时的替补。即使存在,也请留下一丝 空间 ,留下自己可以归为真实的空间。
我渴望真心,我愿与真心融为一体;我渴望真心,希望形形色色的面孔之下有一颗孩子般的心,纯真、不含杂质。生命的真实是世界的宝 藏, 真心散发的光芒会产生巨大的力量,为这世界的每一个角落带去光芒。我渴望真心,因为人与人可以以诚相待,每一种选择都出自真诚。
生命中的芸芸众生啊,真心终会代替我的存在,世界需要精彩,但面具最终无法永恒。面对面具,最好的办法是用真心融化,善者为善, 自一 而终,在心与心之间搭一座桥梁,期待最美丽的相逢。
There are many kinds of peacocks. Among them, the white peacock is the most rare, the blue peacock appears frequently in India, and the Green Peacock is in groups in China. The white peacock is a snow-white villous, like the winter snow, as well as the ight white crystal. When it spread, the tail is like velvet snow screen fan nobles in the hands of women. The blue peacock has deep blue feathers, like the blue sky, and as if the blue and white porcelain is generally elegant. When it launches the tail screen, it is as charming and intoxicated as the flower of the iris. Green Peacock has a China charm of the green dress, when the tail screen out of blue and green, like a magnificent picture of the original ecology in Yunnan, as in a dream, beautiful dream.
The peacock is a little proud, it was layered shiny long Lingzi, looked reserved, and pride. One of the colorful butterflies fluttering, the peacock sprang up, no flapping, shaking tail call, also envy others beauty! I saw the peacock walked disposedly, it saw people dressed in ightly coloured clothes, couldnt resist, his tail shaking rattle, color fan. That beautiful fairy tail like hands spread slowly; like the ight pearl spread on it, very beautiful. The tail of a peacock, dazzlingly beautiful, dazzling resplendent with variegated coloration. Those patterns like peach blossom patterns are gray on the outside, the second circles are light blue, the last circles are sapphire blue, and they are also dark red. They are beautiful. It was very angry, holding his head, holding his chest, and turning around. The peacock was particularly fond of all kinds of ight colors such as red, yellow, green and blue. When I went to the Hangzhou Peacock Garden this winter, I was wearing a red jacket, when I approached a peacock, it suddenly opened the screen to me, I was very surprised, because the peacock is not spread it to It is without rhyme or reason., and my red jacket than beauty then, the peacock feather is so ight, like a figure like eyes, the tail light place to count every feather I know, these feathers are two useful, the first is to show the beauty of it, the second is to protect themselves, whenever the enemy attack it it will, quickly open the feathers, temporarily do not react to the enemy, to see so many eyes will be away. Show off your beauty.
To the number of the most beautiful peacock, the peacock in the sun ajog, like wearing a beautiful dress, the color of green sometimes like a lotus leaf, sometimes like a sapphire crystal and rounded. I took a piece of food, and the peacock ran over, stretched his neck and waited for me to feed. As soon as I reached out, a peacock took the food in my hand with a sharp mouth, and many peacocks followed the peacock. I reached for the Fed, a sharp eyed peacock while other peacocks do not pay attention to, is off, it does not care to food by mouth clip into two halves, the food was robbed, peacock mad wah. The peacocks that didnt get the food were behind the peacock that I first fed.