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小编: 七号同学


  Winter arrived, the north wind whirring blowing, a cold come, the sky floating a goose feather snow.

  Wax plum blossom greeted the wind open, emitting a touch of fragrance. The tall cedar covered with thick snow, like a big cake. Most of the trees have become bare, and only the bamboo swinging its leaves proud of the wind. Pythons and hedgehogs hiding in the cave, motionless start hibernation. Industrious little ants lying in a warm home, while listening to the outside of the snow, while eating it ready for autumn food.

  The children are not afraid of the cold, wearing a thick sweater, wearing a hat and gloves, came to the snow. They have some skiing, some skating, and some skipping, we all play very happy.

  Winter is a fun season!


  Winter morning is dark and dark, no sunshine, open the door would feel a burst of cold, and that cold, like glue stick to you immediately. Soon after, began flying snowflakes in the sky.

  At noon, the snow all over the sky, rain falling like a goose, watching, watching, I slowly intoxicated. Snow fell on the window, as if to say: "let me in, let me in!" I open the window, a lot of snow and squeezed in. The snowflakes fell on the hand, BingLiangLiang, after a while, melts away. If it is not my father afraid I catch a cold, I will meet more snow.

  The snow fluttering spread outside, all over the ground, the foot is 5 cm thick, stepped down, squeaking voice, very nice.

  In the afternoon, the snow stopped, I said happily: "make a snowman!" We first rolling a snowball, and rolled a light snow ball, snowball below, light snow ball in the above, we do with two coal eyes again, and a carrot nose, mouth, a piece of red cloth do have a beautiful hat crowned snowman, a scarf around the snowman's neck, and someone found two broom and make the snowman's hand. Look, it's lovely!

  Snow, brought us infinite happiness! I like winter!


  In winter, you can make snowmen and throw snow fights. For example, you and your friends or family to play throwing snow battle, you may have to throw all others, or throw you of face, if I was thrown into it, I will be very happy, because I feel like throwing snow is very interesting, if I was thrown to me. With high interest. For example, if you want to make a snowman, it's very easy. First, make the snow into a big snowball and a small snowball.