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小编: 七号同学

























"She bangs" tells the story of fresh between boys and girls in the puberty. Julie Beck believed in three things: the phoenix tree is holy, the eggs that she raised in the backyard is the most hygienic, and one day she will kiss Brice Rawski. At the moment of seeing Brice in grade two, Julies heartbeat rhythm was disturbed. But Brice thinks Julie is a bit weird. How can someone see a chicken and a tree as fun? I did not expect that in grade eight, Brice began to think that Julies pride and quality of the family made her look charming. But Julie began to think that Brices beautiful blue eyes may be very empty like himself. After all, how can anyone take other peoples feelings about trees and chickens as a matter of fact?

In the film, the hero and heroine come from different families. The boys family is rich but not peaceful, and the girls family is full of warmth. The boys father often despises the girls family. And the boy didnt like her. In the process of girls like boys, there are some setbacks, such as boys and classmates, humiliating girls families behind the scenes, and when girls understand, they decide to never like him. It can be seen that the girl is a courageous and self reliant quality. When she realized that her home yard was often mocked by her neighbors, a man began to sort and trim. She did not feel inferiority, but she was ave to change. When a boy invited a girls family to dinner, the girls performance was serious and full of sincerity, but the boys father at the dinner table was all in a difficult way to despise them. The dinner may not be very happy, but the girl is not so depressed, but on the contrary she is happy for her own family. In real society, people often take money to measure everything, and these wrong values seem to be rooted in peoples hearts from an early age. People will be proud of their rich families and feel inferior to poor families. The things on these material levels distort their values. There is no spiritual value in the pursuit of nothingness. It is a film that connects early love, family, values, and qualities into a line and interspersed in the entire film.

Brice first met, Julie would resist. The second grade she bold and active pursuit of Brice, and with a sudden sticky fine, as Brice is. The eight grade he expects Shirley to quit the pursuit of campus Belle Julie. But Julie still didnt put it down, looking for ways to get close to Brice. However, what saddened her is that when she stood on the parasol tree with the excellent view of watching the scenery, she prayed Brice to protect the big tree without being chop away, but Brice didnt respond. Then she found Brice secretly lost the eggs she had sent, and laughed at her weeds in the courtyard. She began to see whether Brice really liked or wanted her heart. During many experiences with her father, uncle and Brice, Julies heart grew and became more and more aware of things and feelings. At the same time, her affection for Brice was fading away. Brice began to care about Julie until she slowly alienated Brice. He saw about Julie in the newspaper, see Julies project to win the title in the school exhibition, from where Grandpa slowly understand the character of Julie and his family, he found his cant help to love her.

In the first run, "when you love me, I do not love you; when you love me, I love you; when you leave me, but I love you; you go too fast, or I cant follow your footsteps, because of unequal self cognition and emotion input, two people in the world more and more far, Brice awkward remedy but makes things worse. The boy in the world, it is important to conquer, the more Julie ignore, Brices frustration is stronger, for Julie will miss this let adolescents grow with each passing day, the day at a loss like a delinquent children, and also like a stray lamb, which is growing, as the shadow follows the form of Julie the suffering is codified and implanted in Brices life, never abandon.

Love is the eternal theme of human being, and it is the constant pursuit. Every time you see this movie, you have a different feeling. Warm sunshine, let the mood of our understanding of love sentimental perfect, let people relive past youth verdant years joy and sorrow. To leap, sometimes not only is the heart, maybe it is a kind of, when you meet the person, a feeling to realize.


一场激烈的“五子棋大战”在我和爸爸之间拉开了帷幕 。谁要是赢了,就可以去找老妈了。所以,我和爸爸都摩拳擦掌,准备全力以赴地投入“战斗”。



“你不信就等着瞧吧!”我不甘示弱。但以前我可是很难“打倒”爸爸的。这一次虽然立下“毒誓”,但我还是隐隐担忧。我心里像有只小兔子似的,“扑通 ”地跳着。

 比赛开始!我把棋子放在中点,爸爸放在我的棋的左上角,我又放在正右方,爸爸一棋堵住……十几个回合下来,我突然发现爸爸的“双三阵”就快得逞了,但如果我去拦,爸爸的另一处就会有四连棋。真是左右为难,我死死盯着棋盘,心里像打鼓似的又“扑通扑通”地跳起来,额角也似乎渗出汗珠来。再看爸爸,他得意洋洋,已经不注意棋盘,似乎魂儿都飞到电脑那里了。猛然间,我发现我无意中也有一个三连棋。我激动万分,下下了那枚棋。爸爸一愣,皱了皱眉,最后哭丧着脸,无可奈何地捧起了一把过期的报纸 。
