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Odinary Day

小编: 孙序梁

Today was like any other day in my life only different is It was boring and ordinary

In the morning,the weather was awful,I don’t like the weather It could make me feel unhappy And I had to go to the bookstore to buy some books When I came into the bookstore, the server told me that they didn’t have the books So I had to go to other bookstores, but they all didn’t have the books I spent the whole morning looking for the books indifferent bookstores,and on the way, I wasted much time, so that made me very angry But in the final, I have finally found the books

In the afternoon, I read books hard, and just then I finished my read and felt tired

In the evening, I t to take a shower and washed my clothes Washing clothes was a little hard for me However, I thought it was a kind of exercise After wash,I t to bed and I had sweet dreams these days